Armor of Orlec

Flashing Blade
World of Orlec
Mundane armor conform to normal Incarna armor and Incarna item properties.

The following places only allow the sale of armor and weapons through approved/permitted sellers:

The following places DO NOT restrict the sale of armor and weapons during time of war:

D20 Armor in Orlec


Armor Unique to the Setting
Armor Value Requirements Properties Cost
Fandelkrayne AC 13
RE +2
Tailored by design 10 lbs; Barrier: [2] Fire 1200
(Cuir Bouilli)
AC 11 Underpad 100
Padded AC 11 Bulky, Underpad 20
Studded Leather AC 12
RE +1
Medium ARMOR
Breastplate AC 14
RE +1
STR 12 Used alone (studded hauberk)
+1 AC/RE used with
Underpad or [Match Fitted] Flexible
Chain Shirt
(Half Chain)
AC 13
RE +1
Flexible 400
Half Plate AC 15
RE +2
Hide AC 12 Bulky, Underpad 100
Scale Mail AC 14
RE +1
Ring Mail AC 14
RE +2
Chain Mail AC 16
RE +2
Flexible 4500
Splint AC 17
RE +2
Reinforced cost 50% 6000
Plate AC 18
RE +3
Buckler – Light D3 Weaponized 25
Buckler – Heavy RE +1 D4 Weaponized 60
Large – Light +3 AC
RE +1
D4 Weaponized 150
Large – Heavy +3 AC
RE +3
14 STR D6 Weaponized 250
Medium – Light +2 AC
RE +1
D4 Weaponized 100
Medium – Heavy +2 AC
RE +2
12 STR D6 Weaponized 175
Small – Light +1 AC D4 Weaponized 30
Small – Heavy +1 AC
RE +1
D4 Weaponized 70
Weaponized: Character must be proficient with the item; D3 as an Improvised Item

Incarna X Armor in Orlec

Armor Descriptions

Fandelkrayne: Made using the oils from the Narvo plant in the Duchy of Fandelok, and the horse hide from the mares of T’yendi hills and breed with the males of eastern Fandelok it creates a strong, supple leather non magical in nature, but with the superior qualities of magical leather – even more. The armor can be used to interpose and reduce non magical fire – but it cannot be repaired. The armor is highly sought after and expensive.

Magic/Notable Armor