Blood River (basin)

Steel Realms

The river itself flow into a wide plain where it meets the sea. The red water mingles with the sea producing swirls of color and strange patterns in the waters. The mashes of the basin are filled with strange red tipped catails and hearty swamp grasses. Every so often there is a mass die-off the of basic flora that is unexplained.

Blood River

The Blood River draws its name from the red-brown clay of the basin area, as well as the heavy iron laced sediment in the mountains where the river has its source. The water is unsafe for drinking unless boiled and the steam separated from sediment. It is rumored that an edifice dedicated to some obscure goddess sits deep in the hills near the head waters of the river. Sometimes strange ‘pilgrims’, walking in silence and wearing red sashes are seen heading into the rough hills up the river.

Iron Heavy Headwaters: The iron deposits were never full exploited, due to a constant presence of Orrish in the mountains attempting to secure the rich vein for themselves.

History of the Blood River

Dividing Line: Blood River was once the dividing line of civilized lands and the far north. After The Sundering and the collapse of the settled cost areas, the west was reclaimed by wild tribes and is now broken into the organized areas of the Free Lands and the tribesmen of The Wyldes.

Ancient blood Enmity: In a war between them and Ducateon, over a thousand Fist Warriors were lost over less than a year period. Both sides abandoned the effort and wylding tribes reclaimed few settlements there were and are known to work the dangerous mines to this day, albeit their presence is extremely limited.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic