The Modest Mice (harbor services)

Steel Realms

These are a group of halflings that work on the docks at Torrelsons Ford. They are seen to be neutral, and bill themselves out as ‘bilge rats’ who can load and empty shifts cargo holds because they can get in tiny places. They have a tight relationship with the rope-makers of the harbor and specialize in rope-and-pulley maneuverings inside hulls. They operate to maximize cargo storage and room in the hold. They number about 6-10 at any given time, with their numbers changing every few years. They are organized by Swiley Toadbottom (a flatulent gentleman!) – a halfling of dubious repute. They have secured a preferred agreement with the interests of Tolman’s Guides.

Interests: Trade, moving goods, setting aside money for retirement, recruitment when needed.

Agenda: [known] Their membership seems to be of older halflings that sought a life outside of Loamwold, a place for them to find purpose and a means of support. They wish to stay unaligned with any faction and maintain their independence.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic