The Red River Marksmen

Steel Realms

They have been around for 25 years together, seen a few come and go, and generally been pretty successful in the Duchy of Fandelok south of Dunstrand. Originally founded in the Vale Evander – two brothers founded the company – they were around 50 at their largest.

RECENT: They bonded out a few times when captured fighting against Umbak in the Duchies of Fandelok and Dunstrand, and settled in the Cerrans Grant area of the Riverdans in Dunstrand about 3 years ago. As enforcers for the ruling council, they intimidated the Riverdans folk, and were the blunt instrument that was used by a magus to help keep the area in order. Based in Cerrans Grant for last 3 years (apparently the brothers have land there) putting down opposition in trade disputes/enemies: had to get out of Riverdans – sentiment turning against them.


They have rough expertise in ranged fighting – way above average.

Favored Tactics: all – very flexible

Mystic Capabilities: They have a pair of spell slingers!


Leadership: 2 brothers from Vale Evander (Frank and Dusty)

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic