Steel Realms d20 Sorcerer Class

Steel Realms

These materials represent the Incarna i20™ approach based on d20 use.

ONLY Applicable to the i20 Variant

This class uses the standard starting currency shown in the Steel Realms information for Characters. It follows the Incarna d20 Base Class of the same name except as follows:

Sorcery is virtually unknown in the Steel Realms. Practitioners are often secretive and cover it up with the trappings of a normal Wizard. Their mysterious way, like psychic type characters, are considered evil and corrupt. Consider the Sorcerer class off-limits without GM approval. House Du’Orlok in then Riverdan of Monaides has a secret order of Sorcerers, having survived the Purge of the Hidden thousands of years ago. Like almost every Sorcerer at the time it was based on Storm or Wild Magic.

Locale Prevailing Upbringings

Any player of a [human] character can choose the general human race build-out, then choosing a place to be from. However, many places have a culture and social structure that produce very specific emphasis and outcomes. A character may be one of these local Prevailing Upbringings instead.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic