Ezoren Shrine (Bronzemen design)

Steel Realms

The “Ezoren Shrine” was the standard design protocols for all Bronzemen holy sites. It consists mostly of prohibitions rather than inclusions. Squares and right angles were to be minimized, smooth and rounded surfaces were to be maximized. The sites must always be partially underground, partially exposed to the air, and must have a source of water.

Minimal “Rooms”

Rooms made for congregation, and the static nature of such is to be avoided as much as possible. The shrine, whatever its layout is To allow the follower of Rampheros to take a journey.

Move From Heaven to Earth: There must be a ramp or stairs that represent the journey between the heavens and the earth. Usually this is an open air stairs transitioning from the surface to a large circular temple area cut into the rock, or into a set of chambers underground.

Platform to the Sky: A sacred site might have both a Platform to the Sky and a Move From Heaven to Earth, but always the later.

Journey Milestones

Hall of Welcome

It is filled with rollers at head level that the followers would spin as they walked past, with the cylinders making musical sounds. It was to raise the level of joy, and create a call and answer type situation where followers who maybe did not even know each other could interact with the sounds between them.

Nave of Purification

This is where they would have washed their face, feet, and hands. Any offerings to the teachers of the Great Spirits that care for the sacred place would be left here. Sometimes white robes would be worn by followers of Rampheros, donned here and left here as they leave.

Gallery of Ancestors

Lit incense to the spirits of their ancestors and spoke their names to summon them.

Chapel of Beast and Plant

Depending on the type of chapel, there would be an altar with accouterments and engravings reflecting natural animals and plants that reflect it. It was here that the follower would reflect on their place in the natural order, and what they had done to safeguard that sacred duty of protecting it. They would call on their ancestors to judge them.

  • Sky Chapel:
  • Lake Chapel:
  • Cave Chapel:

Room of Unburdening

Here the voices of the ancestors which had spoken their transgressions and failings would be repeated by the follower. All the transgressions they had made, things they should have done better, or failures that caused hurt and pain were absolved. They were carried away by the wind, buried deep in the earth, and diffused into a great body of water.

Typical Functional Rooms/Enclosures

  • Room of Sustenance: Basin of fish, garden, storage room > This merely held materials to help sustain the shrine.
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Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic