Fly Delta – Gwinn lands in the river delta of Torrelson’s Ford /DONE


Gwinn is trying to strike and destroy the new naval facilities in the town before they can be garrisoned and brought to bear. At the very least, they want to delay the enhanced capabilities until the end of the campaign season. The built up naval yard in Enlath’s Port has a new frigate, and 30 marines and 30 sailors being added to its roster – Gwinn is desperate to stop this.


Early this morning, a man was pulled from the rock berm in the harbor. He was fishing and witnessed the taking of the ferry landing to the east by a strike force of Gwinnish marines. Then swam down river and into the harbor. He overheard them say that in one last bid to lock down naval power Gwinn landed a force right in the delta. Slack tide, lowest in months. 100 soldiers.


They showed up right before dawn. Dogs caught the scent of them though – it only gave us moments. Brave souls, the ferrymen held them back long enough to cut all the ropes, even the deep lines. I was hidden in the riverbank when I overheard them say the town won’t see ’em coming and they will cut off all the retreat of a force of 100 coming from the west. I speak their tongue – grandma taught it to me where I grew up in Tarmysia. Anyway, struck out as best I could to warn you all. I’d say you barely have an hour.

Barons guard captain Garran says he already sent riders to the army. Two days ago Gwinn landed a large force on the Moorswood shores again, drawing away the barons men and Duke’s army in Crestwold. They cannot return in time, though riders are sent anyway. He shows a hastily drawn map of Torrelsons Ford. “The main points of defense are the old Briarwood, the keep road and plateau, the shipyards in the bay, and the main road to the east where they will try and flank.” He points to the keep. “I’ve got 10 house guards with heavy crossbows and some teamsters with rocks to throw from the top, clubs and spears defending the keep and road. Inside are the barons 4 man personal bodyguards and cooks, and cobblers and cleaners with an agent of house malor minding the gatehouse – she said she did not need any more. I’ve rounded up the rest for you. Town watch of 7, the remaining militia that did not go with the army – 3 minor wounded, 5 wounded soldiers from training/accidents and volunteers totaling about 30. The watch has crossbows, and axes and staves. The soldiers have armor, crossbows, and spear + short sword. From the stores we got about 20 javelins too and 14 spears. The militia have some javelins and spears. The volunteers… anything they could grab. The sailors have all been armed from navy military stores, them and the dock hands make a force of about 40 – but they’re main job is to safeguard the docks and boats. Tal Beckam from House Malor said to give this to you… the harder things get the harder you should squeeze it. She may be able to help.”

If their forces are typical, their soldiers will have heavy studded leather, and big sea axes. About 20% will have crossbows or heavy javelins… hand axes may also be thrown. Their front rank will have wicker shields used as cover in a line as they hit, and cast them off once the fighting begins.

Int check – what do you do for festivals? Armory for watchmen at east road! Has enough to arm the defenders there well

He stands up, looks around nervously, and extends his hand. Good luck.

After he leaves, green church cleric 2 and 8 person fire brigade volunteer

Gwinnish Forces

2 clerics 1st
Warlock 2 of malek: impersonating mercenary priest of elancil.
= if party needs help
4 platoons + 20 logistics/command/elite
76 x F1 11 hp; AC 14 (studded and dex) [mobile]; 2h sea axe d10/5 + 4
9 x F 2; 18 hp; sea axe + 10 heavy crossbows, + 10 heavy javelins (shield killers)


14 have taken position on the road east to cut off escape. + draw away
48 will circle to the west and try and take the river docks/district from there
They move ahead of all else and might be seen.
28 are a followup force on the east road to either cover retreat or hold the road and/or town – but will be fresh
9 Elites will attack the briarwood first but realize its burned and are ahead of schedule as there are no defenses.
F4 hp 40; ac 17, shield + battle axe green steel (2 res)

Troglodytes Attack Donk’s Inn

An agent of Gwinn – Steven Foster (Rogue 1st; from Tarmysia) – was sent to bribe them as a distraction. He gives each troglodyte who volunteers a new, polished shell necklace (worth about 10sc) and a vial of the “sea queen’s blood” to the tribe. It enhances fertility, and each warrior will mate with 2 females before they leave.

The troglodytes assault Donk’s Inn after swimming across the river, but do nothing, throwing spears and rocks – 11 of their warriors are terrified but go. They pose no threat as long as negated by a force that need not directly engage them


House Malor msg: troglodytes north, easily scared, a dozen soldiers or so to the briarwood, 14 heavy on east road, backup 30 on east road with supplies, main force swinging south and coming from west

Hm = can have double the number of cubes and three time distance w/rod of office
For mold earth; tashas summon elemental spirit?

The briarwood – there’s a white pigeon sent from house malor – if they appear party will have 3 rounds
10 rounds of combat

Report of east road being hit
After 3 rounds, hear a voice “house malor has bolstered the road entrance, the force is stopped” (web, grease, fog cloud)

Edge of town tortoiseshell – shields and crossbows (14)
Direct attack
Fire #1 – not near docks; green church looks worried
Fire #2 – Int check – close to docks but not a threat if party sends brigade – this smoke shield the reserve force if they need commit party only one to intervene
West docks (trade)
South docks (military) – nearly overrun; house malor will use silent image to block a route and another to open up. It leads off an overlook into trash and midden heap

Tip of the spear – attack to capture docks

[New] Belvins Brace leads a force of 20+ Bronzemen from The Saelish to hit the forces of Gwinn from behind.
This is their last act before retirement to Dogwood Flats as trainers/consultants.
all 4 level 1 power; from gruxand.