Ancient Blood in Pelmon

There has been a long standing feud between Pelmon and Pelvahl houses. Both are old, going back to the founding, and were once allies. Pelvahl where vassals of the other from their time in the east. They came with money and became a powerful merchant house – however spending their money foolishly on great monuments and places – the remnant of their glory days. Soon, the competition caused them seek an alliance with their masters, who relied on their stewardship of land and finances. Pelvahl Married into the line of Pelmon. For many years, their fortunes improved a bit… but eventually fell into decline. Over the course of several marriages, they eventually took control of the family, relegating the true family blood to a cavalier branch and a small steading. Since that time, over 300 years ago, the Pelvahl family has been regarded as as the ‘inheritors’, and with marriage, they have even taken the name away (the older branch being labeled with the ending ‘me (=’of’, meaning of Pelmon line but not being it). However, the Pelmon’me branch has survived and are the true possessors of the Riverdan blood.

The Pelvahl family will simply tell the PC’s that all records were destroyed at Veratiane Hall to the north. The river changed course and undermined the hill on which it stood – its a dangerous place, collapsing and unstable. They can take the PC’s there to see (with an escort – its dangerous), but nearly everything was destroyed. They do have detailed lineages from about 300 years ago until present times. There was a fire about 300 years ago, and prior to that, all records were lost when Verataine Hall collapsed. They can ride to Bletchley Cross
-> Ride to Bletchley Cross: The PC’s and escort will stay there for 2 days to survey the ruins. They will tell the PC’s to stay away from the woods on the NE side of the hill – they are

-> Trouble: Before the PC’s leave, one of the ____ family will come to investigate who is looking into the old ruins (the Innkeeper will send a messenger). They will be ‘escorted’ away by guards, shouting to get get off his families ancient lands. Miles ____, in charge of the escort, will explain that the locals who were given the local land after the castle was ruined are a bit prickly. Of course the castle is the family’s, but the then-ruined land was given to a branch of the family and tensions have grown over the years through the normal family disputes.

Their land is about 20 square miles. It consists of the village of Earley (their home now), The ancient Veratiane Hall (ruins of an old keep – ruined by the river’s course change), the steads of Dewill and Karlann, and lodgings of Blectchley Cross (Inn & stables at a crossroads 2 miles from Early and 2 miles from the ruins of Veratain Hall)

-> A talk with the Pelmon’me; The elder is Howard (age 53) – He always travels with an initiate of Darupet; he will tell the PC’s that the family that sits astride the the seat of rulership is false. He has documents from the founding until the time of the river course change – his predecessors and the Green Church were close. The Beastwood, which survives to this day on Taylor’s Mount, next to the crumbling keep and overgrowing some of it, has an ancient tree. This tree was inscribed by each of the family generations and can be seen under the light of the full moon on certain days, or by a priest of the Wyld Faith coaxing it from the tree. The Beastwood has grown wild though, and will fight those who trespass.
-> The Beastwood: ferralings; badger, wasp nest, crows, squirrels, spiders, ants (the ferralings poisons that would not normally be deadly, will be)
-> The party will go with Jim Pelmon’me, and Miles, the initiate of Darupet. Miles will adjure the ritual to bring forth the carvings and he must be defended. Initially Jim will stay behind, but when he sees

Aside from that, there is a suit of armor in Dunstrand City’s Fealty Hall, it contains within the leg sealed scrolls containing copies of the lineage from the founding until present day – it can confirm the old years, the source of Pelvahl’s last 300 years, AND the missing years of inter-marriage.

Hahns Girdle – Redman Hahn – duke’s minor knight, in service to Earl Firdhal (+2 toughness,+1 VIT) – 1 package – the entire “early years” is in a sealed (wax and glue) bone case, wrapped in the girdle.
-> Securing the Records: The Pelvahl family will know that something is up. They will send a team, thief and assassin to rifle their gear and find whats up – this will be lead by Miles. He will confront the party, exclaiming their betrayal of trust. The party should know that it would be disastrous to kill one of the ruling family – have to subdue him.

-> The party should get back and have a few days to go over the materials. After 2 days, someone will try and burn the Beastwood on Taylor’s Mount. It will not burn much – but it is an insult and a message.

-> The Girdle will be given as a gift, along with knowledge from the Green Church that Taylor’s Mount, which sat on top of Fernwall Ridge, was a sinister gateway to The Deeping – as were many of the original county seats of rule – the original Riverdan families fought the creatures of the The Deeping caverns and set up outposts atop the entryway – to prevent the raids on the countryside. This was the sacred trust given unto them.