Ruins of Tunwelsh

Story of Tunwelsh: More like a camp, it sprawled toward a mine found in the hills where the family crypts were. At the center of the town was a shrine of Gaia – the centerpoint of the area and a place of family observances. Once a terrible storm, a flash flood, killed all the miners. Several attempts to dig them out resulted in more deaths and the place became known as one of death – a cursed place. The shrine to Gaia was once converted to one for Elancil in secret – the curse keeping adventurers away until they were discovered by a hunter after a sheep was stolen for sacrifice. The cult was exterminated and anyone nearby moved away.

4 zombies ‘prowl’ the streets – dry, wizened husks animated by Elancil

Cult of Elancil: Timor, the follower keeps a shrine here for servants of the goddess. If he is killed it will rain and flood for three days.
The old graveyard of Tunwelsh’s Gaia church will be partially washed out nd a dozen skeletons ranging the town near the catecomb entrances – animated by the angry goddess. human sacrifice can be made (blessings from Elancil – 10 to the sacrificer), or the walking dead put to rest (1 blessing each body – to the one who set it to rest).

Old Northfork Road

Unnused stretch winds long paralelle from the creek at Gellerd Pond up to Tunwelsh and Darmith’ss Point.

Gellerd Pond: Castix; follower of Elancil helps guide her servants to the place of pilgrimage, or stop anyone not of the traditional family who tries to enter the area. There is a lesser water elemental bound into Bellerd Pond – it will animate as a mud creature and attack. Castix will stay in cover until the end, they try and run through the brush and lose pursuers. If Castix is found, the elemental power dies when he does.

Road to twon: Fire will be sure to attack Elancil’s followers and any udead will sense it coming from 100m away.

Mine Shafts

Silver was found in the area… there is still a little bit left but the area’s dangerous – and Elancil’s followers claim it as their won – floods in the shafts are the result – death and mayhem.
The last dissappearance was 17 years ago when 3 propectors vanished after some heavy rains. Three times the family or others have tried to open the mines and some accident befalls the workers. People other than the family just avoid it now.

Any entry into the mine shafts wil produce a deluge in 24 hours – 30 inches of rain!

Quirellmyn Family Crypts

Despoiled Shrine of Gaia

Escape Tunnels Under the Shrine

Main Crypts

Ancient Passages

Hammerang Keep