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Orig Post: 2010-05-29

*9142, Month 6, Day 15*; The moonlight faded from view behind us. We felt that the caverns we were in had not been tread in an ancient long time. Beeddel kept his wits about him, and guided us through the caverns, following the directions of the goat-people shaman. Just as we began to hear pursuit in the caverns behind us,
we came out into fresh air; in a gully, under the midnight stars, quiet, alone and without threat. The moonlight makes the fading gate to The Deeping glitter… the ‘moon’ door slowly fades, and you can make out snake-like faces on the other side in the fading darkness…

After catching his breath, Grumwell says he remembers some half forgotten legend about the snake folk… he thought they were myth – along with the Drunnad (the goat
folk)… it bears studying the matter – but old powers are at work here, and have made you all part of the ancient struggle… Beeddel’s connection to Dunstrand is likely what gave you the way out – again, these matters bear much more study! Belim (being the military man he is) says that while that may be true – you have to stay focused on the
job at hand. As Bill gathers wood for the fire, both Belim and Beeddel stay his hand – ‘best not to tip off those who may be waiting’ says Beeddel…

Bill mentions that Grumwell needs to share as much as he can about these things, but Grumwell complains he knows nothing more than myths and whispered rumors from duty books. All agree it is a terrifying thought that an entire world exists just out of sight, so different from our own. Perhaps, says Grumwell, Beeddel should seek out a druid or at least a priest of the Wyld faith to learn more about his connection with Dunstrand.