Over time several of these belts have been discovered, almost all of them by adventuring bands in exploring places under the earth where they were taken as treasure from their previous possessors. The belts themselves seem to resist most damage and are rumored to be made from all manner of fabled creatures. They all look the same, having 5 studs placed roughly equal around the belt.
d20 [specific] Attunement Requirements:
[ i ] > A Intelligence (History) DC 20 (15 with Lore: Edraim or related) or Arcana DC 12 check can be made to discover the knowledge of an attunement option. The wearer must make a Charisma DC 12 check when they attune the belt if they are not of The Edraim or perform a ritual of a single Cost Portion. If they fail, they cannot make use of the enhanced powers.
While worn, the wearer gains Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks dealing with sight.
Requires: Attunement
If the wielder is blinded, the eyes will see for them (Blindsight 20m) – this item must be blinded specifically for the second sight to not function. Against any vertigo effects of The Deeping, they gain a bonus of +4 on saves and checks to resist its effects.
Requires: Attunement & 1 pledged Essence
Those connected to The Rimbus (Edraim automatically) will never suffer from the vertigo effects of The Deeping. The eyes provide a stable balance that counters it.
General knowledge…
The Eyezim were crafted long ago, before The Sundering around CY 5000, by an unknown source. Only a dozen or so were believed to exist, and their like has never been seen since. The belts are made of troll skin, and each has 5 “eyes”, said to be made from petrified troll eyes.
These items were specifically made to be used to counter the worst effects of The Deeping.
The belts were made by a powerful mage of The Edraim, the vanished race of Elves. The 5 eyes represent the 5 spirits of The Rimbus. Five times five of the items were made, all with the same powers. The items were made using trolls slain by them, gone mad from the effects of The Deeping.