Blackvein Cycle (Rastillions Majorus)

Steel Realms

Part of Rastillions Diabolique, the Vile Majorus set of works.

SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE: Reference works and basic exposure alone may only provide the foundation for gaining a [mechanics based] advantage. To reflect the practice and experience to gain that benefit consistently, typically requires a cost in Character Points.


Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability. If nothing is indicated, assume Common Knowledge.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

Most Recent History

Commonly Understood Origins

Commonly Understood Development

General knowledge…

  • Key Places
  • Key Entities
  • Key Concepts

Obscure Knowledge / Near-Impossible Difficulty

Note: Secret Knowledge is information not available in any known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden Knowledge.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic