Part of the Needleton Reach; The river changed course and the Heralds Tower is in the middle of a bog now – no one thought to rescue much from it as everyone knows the local family is the rulers – but if its records you want, that’s where they may be.
Originally, the Heralds Tower was the “needle” in Needleton. It was a tower painted white and green, and the first site of settlement of the family that rules the Tuflim Riverdan. It was built with a moat and a small town gre up around it. Now, the town is in ruins, and the whole area boggy. The “Needleton Vault” was named after Thomas Needleton, the architect and mason who designed it and married into the family. It is the location of the earliest records of the family, chiseled onto stone.
The ruins of Herald’s Tower is now inhabited by the magus Jonath Stoneheel. It is still an impressive edifice 3 stories high. The family lets the magus stay and conduct his research and he watches and protects the ancient vault. So has been the arrangement for a hundred years. The magus was once of the Order of the Stone Hand – but is now in retirement and lives alone but for some servants and his family.
The site was originally founded on top of an entrance to The Deeping. When the folk pacified thea area, after the Lords and Bronze and Sea Kings fought over it, the creatures of The Deeping rose up in several places trying to claim and terrorize the surface area along the river in what came to be known as “Halsrum’s Rise“. The tower was built atop this particular entrance to keep it forever from opening and to guard it. Old legends have it that Herald’s Tower had a complex of underground passages (the original Needleton Vault) and the entrance was closed with a massive door known as Grimdul’s Vault. Peller Grimdul, a dwarven priest of deep conviction in Ikribu and a master mason was asked to craft a door to seal the tunnel forever against tampering. He poured all his energy into it, and retired thereafter.