Burre Castle, he heart of Bondeu, retains a lot of the majesty of its ancient origins. When the capital was rebuilt, the clan and family rebuilt it with great majesty – bankrupting themselves in the process. The once white walls are crumbling but the artwork and detail is amazing and beautiful. What was intended as a home to tens of thousands now stands a home home a a mere few thousand.
Chapel Blivey of the Burren family is in Zerburre Castle. It was once the Green Chapel of Burren a thousand years ago. It is right off the castle courtyard. It is a place of faith and family histories. It is named after Winnifred Blivey-the niece of a vassal of the nobility of West River Run. She saved the family from collapse 800 years ago. She brought the Lightbringer faith into the staunch Green Church land of Bondeu, having grown up in a convent far away. The castle in Zeburre owes its relatively better condition (compared to the rest of the Riverdans) to the money she brought in.
The chapel is also the family lineage record. The lineage library goes back the entire lineage in multiple copies of books. A careful inspection will reveal incomplete stone tablets made to look older and broken, ruined books and scrolls – a staged ancestry.
Zerburre family cemetery is at the south at base of hill. It is well taken care of. Notice that it cant be thousands of years – there’s not enough graves. The preponderance of Lightbringers in the last 200 years is evident. The Osten Pallus references – typical of the Riverdan families – are utterly absent, only obvious token ones.
Adventure: Accident in Serdof (The Blue Gris)