It is part of the three townships (Pellan, East Torbin and West Torbin) that once, and now recently again, either log or trade in lumber from the Grebell Forest through the Saivelaugh Accord with the elves of the Saivelaugh Weald. Pellan (and the ‘Treefell’ locales) is the primary logging center. All trade goes through East and West Torbin (where most of the cutting into lumber is done), and is carefully monitored and reported.
Rulership: Mayor of the town has loose control.
The hub of the city is The Inn of Seven Branches.
Mini Briarwood – For the Saivelaugh Elves – There is an elvish representative is Oralmeth (ura-meth). Only at time of full moon, 1 on d6.
Logging – Ikribe; Bruce the baker is someone they listen to – he is a mediary between all factions and age 50.
Sir Kaeven makes his home; squire x1, page x 1
5 gal/minute spring
Sunbelt Merchants Connor sR. (Connor jr and Bandai the halfling)
Impressive indeed is the Sun Wall. A sheer ascent of over 30m tall, it rises from the
floor of the ruins of the city. The stairs are carved into the cliff face, seem to follow natural cuts and contours of the cliff face. Vines and creepers choke the entire thing – it is little used these days though it seems cleared of rubble. You can make out the broken columns of what must be the temple of Ikribu at the top.
Long ago (at least a few hundred years), a priest of Ikribu was lead to the town by a vision. It took them to the town, and to the old glade of Gaia at the top of the escarpment abandoned a century before. The morning sun cleansed the ground, and he was shown a vision of what the temple was to look like. Pilgrims and followers soon followed and cleared, leveled, and built upon the site a church of the Lightbringers and a preceptory for the Order of the Tri-Light. This coincided with a resurgence in logging of the long abandoned Grebel Forest and the trade that went with it. With the resurgence of logging and trade, the Green Church has returned and religious clashes have occurred due to them wanting their old sacred site back.