Saivelaugh Accord (rights in the Grebell Forest)
The accord governs the logging rights of the humanoids to hat they refer to as the “Grebell Forest”. The elven community that lives there – – limits the amount to preserve the balance between their homes and the commercial needs. The forest grows unnaturally fast at its edge (and slower in the center) to facilitate the Saivelaugh Accord.
- The accord is signed and sealed by the representatives of the Burren Family and Saivelaugh Elves; It binds the three townships (Pellan, East Torbin and West Torbin) that once, and now recently again, log the Grebell Forest through the Saivelaugh Accord with the elves of the Saivelaugh Weald.
- The harvest is limited to X trees per year.
- The elves use their magic to grow the trees swifter at the forest edge.
- If for any reason the magic falters, the tree harvest must be limited accordingly.
- County Faer has no rights directly, though West Torbin is allowed to harvest a certain amount of trees directly for use in Country Faer.
- All trade in lumber must go through East Torbin and West Torbin, with tallies matching the cut in Pellan and West Torbin.