Landsmen (leaders of The Saelish)

Steel Realms

Technically there is no hereditary leadership in The Saelish, but rather a revolving group of “Landsmen” that are deemed to be the wisest at serving their people from different regions. Despite the gendered term, it is not limited to any gender. This has lead to some confusion over time, while maximizing diversity and ideas. In times of war, sometimes the leadership has remained stable for extended periods of time. The Landsmen, despite its name, its predominantly made up of women (55-60% on average) – even in time of war. the individual territories just see women as more level headed, while in general the men train in and are better at tactical decisions. The Landsmen council typically maintain an audience chamber and hold out in Aevrul.

Members are guarded by the Ethereal Saelisnean Order.

Speakers of Anubis and Thoth

There is an ancient tradition among the Saelisnean people that a representative of both Anubis and Thoth sit in an advisory position on the Council of Landsmen. They represent specific perspectives which should be answered. They are not necessarily priests of the related gods (but can be), but more Agents. Sometimes priests of the order ascend to this position, other times the agent is chosen by the god. They serve 10 years or until their celestine entity is done with them, and then whatever is left of them retires in great honor. The countenance is always the same while they serve – their heads and faces become that of their patron and their true identity is obscured. Their bearing is described as regal, and they often seem taller than they are. To this end, the manifested Speaker of Thoth and Speaker of Anubis sit on the council at all times.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic