The History of the Tarly Family covers the lands and bloodliine of the Tarley Lands (the estate of the Tarly family) that once occupied a large tract of land on the lowland basin edge of the Tanegulch Woods north of Braddon Bog in The Earldom of Bar-Innis. Now the bloodlinie is reduced to a cavalier branch of the Tarlwise Family of Braddon Bog.
Branching Out: The Tarly family (now reduced to the Tarlwise branch locally) was once a very prominent and powerful family locally. The History of the Tarly Family ancestors were the original rulers of Braddon Bog. About 300 years ago, the uncle of the Earl (Sir Wendell) returned from a long career of adventuring in the north and petitioned the earl for the right to build his own fortified castle near Braddon Bog, and give up the claim on Braddon Bog itself. It was ideal for the Earl (he could elevate an ally and expand the power of an existing one), and so he approved, hoping to gain a real, defensible ally in the lowlands. Tarly Castle was built on a rise, and a massive project hiring many locals filled in a surrounding bog land to make ordered fields and a stretch of good, solid land. Tarly Castle is the only full castle ever built in the Lowlands due to the soil and weather.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Estimated Value: ? (Silver Crowns)