Gloriannas Stretch (Tarly estate)

Steel Realms
Gloriannas Stretch was a winding stretch of settlements to the west of the town of Lenore and Tarly Castle. A stream paralleled it, providing a natural boundary to the Tarley Lands – the fief of Sir Wendell Tarly’s estate. Small copses of trees, and trees lining the stream sides, sheep grazing land and waterfowl are plenty.

Glorianna’s Well

This well was also a Shrine to Merkaine at one point. “The Light of my Life” was painted above it, with a portrait of Glorianna – Wendell’s wife – painted on a flat stone. It has long since eroded away and nothing is left but the faded words chiseled in the stone that are barely legible. Any traveler was welcome here.

Village Harmand

Village of Onsha

Logging Camp of Madigan

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic