Moss Haven has stood for countless centuries in the heart of the lowlands, and is part of the ‘Lowland League’ (of the lowlands of Bar-Innis). A travel road goes west to Braddon Bog and Bergen. To the east and southeast is the large forest of Nuir Woods and northwest is the smaller Tanegulch Woods – a few kilometers of scraggy and moss covered trees. Like most of the lowlands, it has a verdant agricultural presence but is soggy and wet year round. In the summer, the smells of Dwindor Swamp settle over the entire lowland basin. There is a minor trade route and dry roads in the summer and fall. In recent memory it was part of a group of settlements that banded together against what they saw as tyranny from the earl. It is home to a congregation of the Green Church, and a shrine to a few others. Thousands of years ago, the area saw a lot of destruction (like much of western Dunstrand) in the war between the Bronzefolk and the Sea-Kings. Each new generation has a few treasure seekers that almost invariably end up missing.
Population: 4500