Located in the Companions Library secure reliquary; Only the senior members of The Gallantine Order have the keys and mystical passcode that prevents the silent alarm. This is part of The Teerlink Archives. It took multiple generations of work by Geraldine Aelishan and her daughter Aini (“Feather”) to reconstruct the pieces in the secure reliquary under the Companions Library. The hints as it got assembled meant it had to be done in secret. Geri could not finish it, and once she became a vampire, she had to restrain herself from using its secrets for herself. She locked away the materials and gave Thom Vynt (“Plague”) the key to hide from her. All of this is journaled in a log book under glass at the entrance to the secure room. Plague wrote a few notes in it as well.
Teerlink the Lich’s Records: Encrypted notes of the Lich Teerlink on zoology and anatomy – it goes with a cipher the lich made. Scattered about the entire complex area moldy straw (to soak up water), rags (bedsheets and such to soak up water), and pages of works – these all had to be cleaned and organized back into meaning. The pages are written in an unknown language – Torquimot – and drawings of strange things. The pages are notes about dissection and necromantic arts. Most of them were too dirty or ruined to offer much knowledge, but if a character can magically restore them and decrypt the text, they can arrange them meaningfully, study them, and gain enough knowledge to offset any penalties on Medical skills on ANY species by 1. It also talks about the Cenotaph Thread, and specifically of Teerlink’s and Liches of the Steel Realms in general.
= TAINTs and MARKS to the reader. compulsion to Lichdom!?
Because it has words to express concepts the normal living, mortal material realms do not, T O R Q U I M O T is often used by greater Undead of the iVerse™ that practice Magic to record and modify their studies as it affects their nature.
It grants +2 Attack to all spell attacks and physical attacks that use damage types of acid, fire, and radiant AND they are unable to use their legendary resistance against them. It requires the use of 1 of any anima each time and an Occult Aptitude of 1 OR an trained Occult Phenomenology check DC 12 (failed check requires Actuated Awareness trigger before another is made).
[ i ] > If so, they get a Medical: Aid check to realize the drawings are all of body systems. If the character has zoology, they will know it is of many different animals and humanoids (and spliced!).