The Teerlink Archives (companions library)

Steel Realms

Located in the Companions Library secure reliquary; Only the senior members of The Gallantine Order have the keys and mystical passcode that prevents the silent alarm. The Teerlink Archives contains all the materials taken from the long hidden lair of the lich. Teerlink was an ancient Sea-King era magus from thousands of years ago, who became a Lich. He was awakened and dealt with by The Brave Companions (pre-cursors but same pedigree that became The Gallants). His lair was collapsed and torn apart, ravaged by time. It took considerable time to ‘loot’ it and the volumes of tomes, scrolls, and trinkets was massive.

Teerlink’s Library

  • THE FOLLOWING IS WRITTEN IN YVALDESEAN/Sea King (untranslated as of yet): from the Lich Teerlink’s library: a large volume set of Lore: Dunstrand (level 4 = +1 checks as a reference library for most of the characters)
  • The Lich Teerlink’s personal notes – history, fate of apprentice Derwin, the killing of children and their spirits. Meditation trance treatise: (RSN > 4) treatise from Teerlink’s library
  • Local maps of Teerlink village (old – from when mage’s tower was still there) – map of the area including once king’s lieutenant’s manse! Hint to the tomb?

Lores and Languages of Human Lands Outside of Dunstrand

  • Lore: Sea-King (ancient lore + 2 CS)
  • Lore – North Merchant Cities (novice +1)
  • Lore: Umbak (ancient lore + 1 CS) – some specific about bronzelord wars

Lores of Bar-Innis and Dunstrand

  • Lore: Bar-Innis (ancient lore + 2 CS) Character can gain up to Level 2
  • Lore: Dunstrand (ancient lore + 1 CS) Character can gain level 1 or 2?
  • Lore: Geography + 1 CS (maps and roads of old Saelish/Lands of bronze, Dunstrand and heartlands – Character can gain Geography 1? Familiarity? Some are dunlupian symbols – secret of ashfall location?
[Scroll] The Precepts, history, and custodianship of Dunstrand by House Malor; a summary treatise from CY 9159; [Scroll] Modern Political Figures of Dunstrand and their Pedigree (circa 9160; emphasize changes from last 2 decades and their effect) – there may be a few secrets buried inhere? who wrote it?

Lores and Languages of Elves and Faerie

  • Lore: Elvish History (novice; +1) Can gain Lore: Elves Level 1
  • 2 ancient books dealing with Nuir Woods area before the “Vale” of Dunstrand was settled – taken from Malek priestess. Taelin read, needs more time to absorb = secrets were found

Lores and Languages of the Ducateon

COPPER SCROLL HIDDEN: Copper Scroll written in Dukat. Found under the throne in the church of Malek by the Band of Crows; Taqwill did not want to turn this over.
> there is a note about the death of Szandor here.

[Book] Ducateon Primer (Gladnorean-to-Ducateon literary translation/learning guide @ level 1)

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic