The following information is not recorded except in the Annals of the Brave Companions in the Companions Library secure reliquary.
Named after the head of the order of Malek, when his agents still were somewhat trusted, and Malek was not a faith synonymous with evil. Its existence has been purposefully eradicated and obscured from records over the ages by agents of the god. Its true significance is that it has a aether conduit through a massive vein of Monarch’s Crystal that the god himself merged with Entrophy. Here is the seat and power of some dark, hidden plan of the god. It is empowered to operate without conscious intervention of the god himself, for he made himself lesser in power in doing it. The machinations roll on through unwitting agents and subtle influence of thoughts that the high temple operates with, obscured from any detection or sensing. A throne was made and imbued in it was a sentience to continue the plan and influence the world at large that it could sense. It could communicate with Living Helca through the Equitas. It even influenced the planet itself.
Finding the Stairs: Under a permanent confusion/misdirection effect from the god and the Throne.
Stairs Under The Altar: Speak not his name! The way is thrice-closed! (Must speak ‘Malek’ three times)
Offering Stairs: Hidden Stairs – Critical chance (Perception/Detection) to find stairway.
Spiral Stair Case: Inside are 4 books of Malek hold the lines of priests and several incantations to summon the servants of Malek. The books are soaked in Malek’s blood. There are glyphs in the stairwell that will damage in different ways, as well as the books. A small blood sacrifice must be made to examine the books, and at each of the points where the embedded permanent glyphs would damage those who seek to move through the area. Each individual entity must make a blood sacrifice.
Rubble from collapsed passage has bulged in the walls which were lined with cut bricks. The floor is circular stones inlaid with a pattern.
Walk the wrong pattern and ancient poison (VIT or tremble disease – 20 points damage over 4 minutes; shakes forever if failure – no speak for weeks, each day check); danger sense can avoid with RSP–4 check; Stealth check to not send vibration. Other triggered traps obviously went off when some of wall collapsed.
Kneeling stone set in front of it for initiates with blood groove for sacrifice – blood sacrificed goes to he who claims the right to sit in the throne. If no one kneels when the throne is sat in, then the person sitting on the throne becomes a sacrifice for the spirit itself. Runes upon it are the ‘lock’ for the hidden field effect of decay. IF a sacrifice is made without supplication, the spirit will enmesh those nearby in its own plans, doing all it can to use them to move forward the plan without specific rewards but more of presenting opportunities.
Made and stored in the manner in which the Ducateon store their records.
Animated statues; will chase to
Looks as if a camp was made here – makeshift cots, etc. and supplies – most about 20 years old.
360 degree view from top of the remaining tower. Disorienting when leaving – 1 on all checks for 1 hour.