Geo-Location: Duchy of Dunstrand Sabin Bay, along with the Pranin Moorswood and Wonald Delata, are claimed as territories under the watch and sanction of the Druids of Pranin – the druidhold of Moordaeth.
The bay that borders the Pranin Moorswood is notoriously treacherous – filled with fast tides, sharp rocks and moving sand bars near the shores – and sailors only drop anchor here in an emergency. The south fork of the Muchart river dumps into the bay in the great Wonald Delta rich in nutrients. The delta brings in sea water and clashes with the freshwater from the river. The strange tides in Sabin Bay create a wash of silt and debris that clog fishing nets, foul lines, and have freakish surges that push boats against both wind and current. Ancient tree debris, dangerous to ships is said to float up from the mud encasing them for the last millenium – making the area especially dangerous to ship traffic.
Changing Features Lost in Time: It is said that long in the past, it was once a safe harbor, the primary harbor of Torrelsons Ford in fact. Due to the records lost over time in the fight between Dunstrand and Umbak in Crestwold, there is no record or memory of this, and remains rumor only.
Sea Queen’s Ire: Now, the Storm Queen is said to have cursed it so that it cannot be used by Crestwold to have a large, safe port. Gwinn has consistently laid claim on the Tarmysian Peninsula – once lands of the ancient Sea King empire and still partially so culturally, so her curse of foul weather removes the best place in the south of Dunstrand’s mainland for an effective port.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
The majority of the effects of strange tides, dangerous fogs, and flotsam and jetsom released from mud encasement are residual from Storm Times and the creation of Dwindor Swamp.
The Druids of the Pranin Moorswood have made it so in CY – a Wylding Place, amplifying its natural dangers. It keeps humanoid incursions down to a minimum and provides defense against the means of taking resources from the sea and forest.