Interlude – The Wonald Delta (after The Convergence)

Steel Realms

Dunstrand Rising Living World CHRONICLE > Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).

–> Interlude – The Wonald Delta (after The Convergence)

{This is the site of the battle in Killing Mendollin.}

The area on the Wonald Delta that was exposed to the void from the Eye of Dimov begins to wither and die. The black tentacles decay and break off, each of them being carried away by the tide. When the wave sweeps the shoreline from Dwindor and along The Black Shore, it carries them in all directions. Sickness spreads throughout the delta and along Sabin Bay and The Hoolip Coast. An oily sheen covers the shoreline and areas of water. Dead sea life and waterfowl are found along the coast in every direction. It kills some 200 of the halfling’s of Loamwold, and theres talk of retribution – even allowed within the charter of the protectorate in the History of Loamwold.

Many angry will-o-wisp spirits of the creatures of the delta rise.

The druids are unable to stop it completely in the Moorswood, but contain it so that it does not penetrate the Deep Moorswood. On the Delta and edges of the Moorswood, the troglodytes experience a huge population surge as it somehow reacts positively with the Apshai taint they have. The druids take note of this, but do nothing as their population had been seriously diminished by the war between them and the lizard folk and their use by the Gwinnish as their agents in the war.

Na’grindl the Viridescent One aids the Lizardfolk to rid their coastline of the sheen. Green liquid dragon fire melts the oily sheens nearest her people. Totems are placed to ward off spirits of those who died, on the edges of their lands.

It is noted that the will-o-wisp spirits do not seem to hunt the troglodytes, as they seem to share some taint in common.

After a week, the fissure into the void slowly vanishes, leaving a stain upon the area that animals will avoid for a long while. It is about a half mile west of the Umbakian castle ruins of Tanrith

Tentacles pull an abomination out of the mixed water with a coating of slime protecting it from the void death still lingering. A great eye scans the area. It is silent, filled with dead animal carcasses nothing is eating. It sends a slimy appendage forward, sinking into the marshy waters. Its writhing tentacle is burned by the worst of the dead zone, but it forces itself to wrap around a decaying piece of petrified wood. It pulls it to itself… wrapping the rotten wood securely. It deftly avoids the shard of something reflecting the light, embedded in the tip of the staff of Mendollin. Keeping it turned away and out of the reflection, it slips back into the waters, churning up the mud in pain but squirming in excitement.