Battle of Athlapoole (Belim’s Rebellion)

Steel Realms
Dunstrand Rising Living World A n c i e n t   Blood – A Living World storyline
Set in the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms.

The Battle of Athlapoole (Belim’s Rebellion)

PREVIOUS: Battle of Pellan Fields



Thoughts for New Campaign Arc

– Everyone but De’Vosa is going to retire – it makes sense given all things. Its an honor to retire a character, the life of an adventurer usually ends in death. Thats just a fact, the cemeteries of the world are filled with dead unknown heroes. LJ: “I’m all for an adventuring path if there is an option to do so. Politics arent my thing. Smiting evil is more like it”

I know LJ wants to continue the campaign, that WILL limit your options in terms of their motivations and outlooks. That has to be a unanimous. De’Vosa can also be released of his commitment to find a different path. The question is, what to pursue next. Go back to the ancient blood research, or chart a new path. If a new path, i’ll open a thread to talk about it as a group. Staying in the ancient blood campaign will limit your character options.

Eric: I’m all for continuing the path, but as agents of the White Lily and or the new regime; but happy to have us be the direct action gang with very limited political involvement, if any. That’s my vote. (I’m looking at ranger, for the record.). Well I’m happy to push as a leader but I feel like I have a 16 year career of doing that. Seems to me we want to stick with Ancient Blood, but get back to the exploring, adventuring life, kind of like we started with, unless I’m reading that wrong.

Kelly: ‘Agents’ of the white lily would be basically killers. If you just are the enforcer arm, that’s kind of what would be laid out if you want to stay affecting political change but not want anything to do with the politics themselves. That or you can have a handler that would take a certain percentage of what you make. If you want pure adventure I have a scene for that and I am tempted to go down that route. But that is a potentially first level starting route – paladins wont be among those acting as an enforcer arm in politics.


Kelly: I prefer to focus on story and I don’t give out levels based off of experience. The pace of level advancement will be slower than normal, but one you all are used to. High level play is simply put, ridiculous. Its just scaled to tougher AC and more damage. I can accomplish more with low and mid level play in terms of fun and adventure. But THERE HAS BEEN COMMENTS IN THE PAST OF GOING TOWARDS A MORE ACTION ORIENTED PLAY FOR A WHILE. I hear you, the rebellion was a way inside the current context to make that happen without insane and stupid contrivance. Plus, Eric had kind of asked for it and there were no dissenting voices after he and I asked. I will make it happen in a new arc. Because we don’t meet frequently, a different format might work better. That’s more localized and combat oriented. There’s less moving parts to remember between sessions and a whole lot less to go wrong.

Arabus: It had seemed saturday evening that there was an urge to lean away from the intrigue, which was why I’d liked the darkland ranger option. Practical, capabable, lethal and fucking viciously efficient. Which ever way the adventuring goes I definitely appreciate that the group has a stronger focus on story than raw mechanics, so exact class is not as defining an aspect of your character as the role play.

The New Arc

We are going to fast forward into the future. About half of Ancient Blood’s original plot has been accomplished. The rebellion put an end to the slow and covert path and caused heels to dig in and forces to come into open conflict which has remained a stalemate now for decades. De’Vosa is fine, as humans generally live till 100 in decent health. And he’s Asimar, so probably delayed decrepitude.