Sean Drew

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Kelly’s Memories:

“How do you come to be in this guise!?” – Sean Drew (as Zardoz, in Olani Graveyard)

“A traitor in our midst!” – Zardoz (Sean)

“Oh yea, i remember that.” – Sean Drew (as Zardoz, return to Olani Graveyard)

“Greetings desert rat scum!” – Sean Drew (desert of desolation DnD campaign modules)

“A bean to your feet!” – Sean Drew, as Zardoz

“You, and I, and the Squealer are going to have words!” (Zardoz, then corrected to ‘Howler’ by Selthar)

“Bennett! Lance!” – Sean Drew, NPC Tad the knight, and his squire Bennett, before every combat (even in dungeon corridors)

{Name’s} Incarna Testimonial

name here – {date here}