Buck Futz (Character; Dead)

July 2018 – Only lasted one session, smoked down by thieves brotherhood in world of Orlec.

Bugbear; male, 7’3″, #359; 15″ dick, long limbed
Paladin 3rd – Oath of Vengeance; Weakness is a Sin!
HD: 10,6,6 + 9 = 31
STR = 19
INT = 5
WIS = 13
DEX = 16
CON = 16
CHA = 9
SAN = 9
Background: Soldier (Chariot)
Skills: chariot driving, stealth, intimidation, athletics
Divine Sense (1+1)
Lay on Hands (15)
Immune to Disease
Oath of Vengeance – Adjure Enemy and Vow of Enmity
3 spell slots of 1st: Hunters Mark

Studded Leather
Great Sword (2D6)

IF you are not a warrior, i have no respect for you
My party is worth dying for
Might makes right
Likes to break things to prove his strength