The Dam of Ubreac (‘Goldars Light’)

Its purpose was to serve as a novel and experimental Dam for the High Temple of Goldar’a lighting needs. Electricity is a strange concept, just being explored (inefficiently without good material science – The dam generates direct current). For over 200 years, the priests have harnessed the power of the dam to generate power to the temple and workshops on the west side of town of Ubreac.

About 50 years ago, the earthwork dam began to fail. There was talk of abandoning the town and workshop. The Lormyrians tried to patch it, but could not – so much was in danger of being lost. Lord Crellann of Ubreac, in a trip to the Purple Towns, purchased the flask housing Samoorhen the Genie in a bidding war. When he brought it home, there was much celebration as the local priests of Goldar planned on sacrificing the creature of chaos to gain favor. He did not want to destroy him as others did. He bound the genie to hold back the waters of the dam for 500 years until a solution could be found. The genie used his magic to shore up the earth and add stone, clay, and soil to the dam and spillway, and monitors it with human assistants each day. Lord Crellann keeps him in fairly opulent accommodations – storytellers, decent if somewhat bland food, books, treasures, and religious instruction.