Ther-Arliet ([fallen] domain of Ynth)

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Vale Ther-Arliet

After the fall of the elven domain, the mixed races of the realms tried to re-settle the lands. There was too much strife, and the resentment from the elves though. The land was stripped of its faerie wilding and the elves and their kin retreated to Ynth around CY 5200. Thereafter it was known as Vale Evander

Arliet Reach

Comprising of the 8 Towers of Jul’Coulette, this chain of defenses in the Dhagroz Mountains was known as the Arliet Reach, as the region it directly bordered to the east was the domain of Ynth known as Ther-Arliet. When the Nurthrot caught the roots of the Arliet Reach, it corrupted the defenses, and blinded the elves of Ynth for thousands of years as the source of the constant Orrish raiders that attacked the settlements of Ther-Arliet.

Timeline of the Fall of Arliet Reach

  1. 3611 Dragon Geraeshtahl-Pahk, of the Eisht-Pahk Clan awakens.
  2. 4120 – First attack by the Dream Dragons of the clan upon Ynth in Ther Arliet.
  3. 4488 – Then the clan of Eisht-Pahk fosters draconic births (Parit Ovum) – hordes of dragonborn/newts then Orks
  4. 4561 – The last attempt by the dream dragons of the clan. They were destroyed by the King of Ynth and the truth was discovered. War upon the dragon clan for hundreds of years saw to their extinguishment. In the end, their souls were torn into streamers of blue and white that sometimes can be seen over the vale but cause no issues.

The Soul Shadow of Geraeshtahl-Pahk: A terrible shadow of the remnant of a dragon’s soul whispered in the night to the last of her Ork children. The priests of Everdark performed the ritual to bring the Nurthrot in 5115. Slowly, the shadows of the Arliet Reach grew longer, until the Orrish could walk through the defenses of the elves and terrorize the western lands of the woke forest of Ynth. It began small, and built gradually until the Night-of-the-Shadow-Knives. Thousands of Orrish, led by an army of 500 Orks in full metal armor and gear acquired over centuries tore deep into the settlements of Ynth. Blood and fire flowed, and souls perished permanently in an orgy of hate the Orrish rained down upon the elves. As the elves turned towards the deep wounds, the horde of lesser Orrish and dragonbrood brough death and fire to the once impregnable towers of Arliet Reach.

The Fall: The fires of Arliet Reach burned fortnight after fortnight between 5163 and 5194. As the fires were brought under control in one place, they would emerge elsewhere. The winds picked up funnels of fire and carried them over the treetops, and down into the forested lands of western Ynth. For those not of the faerie-kin, the sight was said to be mesmerizingly beautiful. For the elves, it broke their souls and burned their very blood. The destruction of Ther-Arliet was the final devastation that caused the great elven kingdom of Ynth to retreat from the world. In a single night, prince River-Mirror-Gift called upon the ancient pact his ancestors had made with the elemental spirits of Ynth. He led a force that spearheaded with a massive earthen wave, pushing along boulders that could crush a war horse before it. He began in the south of the Arliet Reach and strode north, drawing on the remaining power of each tower to defend his people against the onslaught and push the Orrish and their allies back. The forest was trod under, and the allies of mankind, Halflings, Dwarf, and Ducateon marched in from the north – treading the ancient trees and fields of western Ynth into the dust and using them for fire fodder. In a classic hammer-and-anvil action, the Orrish were butchered in one of the most violent conflicts Helca has ever witnessed since the battle of the Valley of Sighs. The Ducateon cut vast swatches of trees down and took them, burning, into the tunnels of The Deeping that gave birth to the Nurthrot in the Dhagroz mountains. They burned everything they encountered. Capping every tunnel, poisoning every water source; the entire range and the lands beneath it were “sterilized” by the war band led by the Ducateon.

The Watch: They set their kindred, the dwarves, to watch the old wounds of the earth and gave unto them mountain valleys and rivers that the elves and their allies had abandoned. The ancient Forestahls of the towers had mostly been corrupted and killed, with only a couple surviving to return to the depths of Ynth. Dwarves repaired the tower’s stonework.

Other Materials

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