Valemount (free territory of the north)

Steel Realms
Located on Ustermaya .

Valemount is part of the Hinterlands of the Steel Realms. Like the rest of the Hinterlands, it is sparsely populated, shared by free-folk, tribesmen and would-be rulers of the north. Valemount is made of of three distinct Freeholds: Sprintcourt Vale, Snowwy Vale, and Shadehaven Vale. None of the vale land towns have walls. In addition to the center town in each vale – the “hy-towna”, they are comprised of multiple hamlets. All are self sustaining. Inhabitants tend to follow the Freelander Way.

Springcourt Vale (south)

hy-towna = Perlshaw (MAP)

Springcourt Vale is the southern and most profitable of the vales.

Snowwy Vale (north)

hy-towna = Glenarm

Shadehaven Vale (east)

hy-towna = Alnwick

Inhabitants tend to follow the Freelander Way.

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[contentblock id=knowref1]If nothing is indicated, assume Common Knowledge.

Most Recent Stirrings

Early Years


Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic