Death and Cultural Observances

Steel Realms

Heartlands: Death and Cultural Observances reflect mostly burial. All souls must transit through The House of the Dead.

  • The Saelish: The Salisnean culture does not follow the ancient Bronzemen culture of leaving their dead out for the wind, animals, and elements to strip the flesh off them. The Saelisnean people bury bodies, but have no head stones. The head of the grave is slightly raised and a rock is carved with a saying or remembrance. After a few hundred years, burials stop. Then, after a hundred years, the cemetery land is tilled for crops and the plaques are all moved to a single place to mark the presence of the dead giving back their nutrients to the living.
  • Umbak:

The South: Burn bodies

Loamwold: The death observance custom is to be buried back into the earth; Bodies are buried with ceremonial and symbolic items for their journey through the House of the Dead to wherever their faith takes them. Items of wealth or value to their community are shared with the living.

Other Materials

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic