The Founding of Dundaria

Steel Realms

Record: History and Tales of the Kingdom of Dundaria > Founding of Dundaria

Dundaria was just a name for a territory virtually unexplored in the early days after the Coming of the Blood of Saemon. The terrors being unleashed in the Valley of Sighs were driving folk in all directions. Maelmare Dundarain, a half elven warrior of great charisma and skill was leading a group of settlers/refugees north out of the valley. It is said he was drawn to the place that would be known as The Well of Promises.

Dundaria, famous for its oaths of sworn loyalty and the seriousness with which they took the shepherding of the lands and keeping in check the nightmare creatures of the Valley of Sighs. As the watchtowers were built (to watch the valley), they settled lands beyond to the north.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic