Great Libraries

Steel Realms

The “Great Libraries” of the world are tracked by the Sisterhood. All their Books, Scroll, and Maps (and related materials) are catalogued.

Great Leaf


Once the great library of Ynth. When Ynth withdrew from the world, the library ceased to be maintained by The Sisterhood. A copy was made over 20 years and sent to Ados – though it seems to have been selective and not all of the works at the time.

Broken Leaf

An incomplete copy from CY of the Great Library in Ynth.

Port Towne

Outside of the Hall of Heroes, Port Towne of Dunstrand hosts the largest Great Library in the world as one of the Libraries of Port Towne. It is the oldest, and has never been razed or looted.

Sigiled Hall


Once the Great Library of the Synedcean Empire.

Broken Glyph

Buried under winter

The Great Library of the north, buried under ice and snow now.

Windbourne Scrollery


Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic