Witch-Seers of Volgadas

Steel Realms

Little is known by anyone… just the name of their collective. There have been witch seers for millennium – some say from the time of the Celestials. They roam the Steel Realms, giving counsel to heroes and villain’s alike (it is said). Meeting one is a portent like no other – it is a sign that one will be involved in great things… though the fate of such things may or may not be illuminated by the seer. It is said they know their future, even the moment of their own death. The Witch-Seers are known to reach out to mortals in dream, taking them as a patron and entwining them in their machinations. There have been many who passed into obscurity, or known to be dead.

  • Volgadas – The “first” seer, not seen or mentioned since around CY 4200
  • Arith – Said to be mad, and to forever wander the Fallen East
  • Brynlad – Dead
  • Gogereith – Dead
  • Shemley – Called “Ice-Born”, Dead

Vagaert the Blind Seerees – Most often seen in the northlands, led by a young girl, stumbling blind. It is said she knows simple words which can blind a man, beast, or god. It is also said that she can grant a certain “sight”, a glimpse of The Pattern which can make the difference in life or death. It is referred to as the Glimmer of Witch Sight.

Nerislin the Seeress – Haunting the central heartlands for thousands of years, she has been absent most recently from any sightings. She is by far the most cryptic. She also calls herself The Seeress of Lahasha (a rumored to be temple in the north carved by giants before the Blood of Saemon rose in the Steel Realms). She is described as crone and young woman alike, leading some to believe there were, or are, multiple creatures calling themselves by the name.

Tabithia the Seeress – Also called Light of the East, there are records of her from there, and she most often appears before the High King or his advisors.

Auslaung the Witch-Warrior – Said to dwell deep in the Wailing Wastes and be a fierce warrior. It is said she need blood for her magics to work, so she challenges brave warriors on the road. Those that defeat her, she gives of her own blood – blood that heals fatal wounds.

Incarna d20™ Witch-Seers of Volgadas Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

The Witch-Seers are Walock/Witch patrons of the Undying type. In order for a character to choose one as a patron, they must have a back story that involves years of dream-visions and promises of power in order to be led by the undying one’s bidding as part of the Sworn and Beholden bond.

iCore Witch-Seers of Volgadas Details/Mechanics

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic