Prowl Pack (Lich Lord’s Anger)

Steel Realms

Undead – Prowl Pack – The Lich Lords send out small packs from the Winter Host to harass and terrify travelers. These are specifically intended to grow as big as they can and randomly attack things – the leaders of these packs are not the fiercest or smartest, randomly selected from the ranks of undead and lead by ghoul. The ghouls and skeletons are hard see, quiet and pale. The ghoul roams ahead and finds victims – farmsteads, beasts, pilgrims, patrols, adventurers or whatnot, and directs the skeletons and zombies (mostly the former) – a dozen or so without weapons or armor – to attack. The leader is sometimes given a small pouch of dried Lichryian blood exposed to the Blood Glimmer to replace some of their fallen ranks with those of their victims. The material is stored in a vial of ice (Grave Ice).

Lich Lord’s Anger: The hatred and jealousy towards the living by the merciless northern Lich Lords of Fallen Dundaria spurs many a terrifying encounter in The Steel Realms. The Prowl Packs, Hoary Dead and Grave Quakes are but a few of the expressions of this anger.

This feature is part of Lich Lord’s Anger Manifest.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic