Port Towne (northern Merchant City)

Steel Realms

Overview: Port Towne is home to some of The Great Libraries of the Steel Realms

PRINZ Family: Dugaldd


Port Towne Librarys

  • Deulce Library – This library focuses on northern history and heartland as well. All detailed geneologies of the north, Dunstrand and Umbak are contained in this library.
    The remains of anything from Fallen Dundaria is first taken here for referencing and cataloging.
  • Portmain Library – This is the oldest surviving house of records in all the lands. Even the Kings Library in
    Oerdney has been damaged, sacked or pilfered in olden times to the extent that it holds but half the records
    than Port Towne.

Important Groups & Individuals

Noble Families

Military Strength and Brotherhoods

Home to Edge-Breakers (cavalry; strong Mizras worshipers), and
Manfred’s Mad-Dogs

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic