Ynth, the Great Forest (Elven Kingdom)

Steel Realms
Located on Ustermaya .

The Deeping (of the Steel Realms) does not exist under Ynth. There is a series of underground rivers that marks corresponding boundary of the forest above where The Deeping cannot penetrate. Magic flows in the water, keeping death, shadows, and the void at bay. It is rumored that mages of Ynth have some connections to the Theurgi Emporium institution. Ynth appears to be immune to and/or a refuge to any sort of Change Storm/Chaos Storm.

Aelfain Soul Bound

Soul Trees

The first Soul Tree of the faerie kin still lives in the Valley of Sighs – blighted and burned but has refused all attempts to extinguish its life force. Soul Spears of Aelfain


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