Broken Lands of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms
Located on Ustermaya .
The Broken Lands were part of the southlands once, and were not “broken” then. After the Cosheus Abyssal was formed, it marks the great “world wound” where the horde of demons was cast down in The Sundering/Bale Times and ended the consuming blight it created that eventually caused these lands. The legend of Gravewald’s Courage details one of the many times these lands were threatened by the Orrish of the Black Fens. There is much in the way of adventurers that form a never-ending threat to the Dark Lands – as this is a jumping off point to more easily raid the lands of The Fallen East for artifacts and treasures. The lords of the Borderlands also contribute to homesteading and welfare of an army that staves off the Orrish. The bandits, raiders and others leave the Broken Lands alone – they guard the vulnerable south from Orrish incursions.

Rulership: The Bear-Look Confederacy – A council of chiefs and clans of mixed blood of old Synedcia; The bears are a reference to the once famous great mother bears (now extinct) of the eastern hills of the Broken Lands.

Symbol: Two bear faces looking inward to a wavy black line – symbolizing the vigilance against the movement of The Curtain of Night and the denizens of the Dark Lands.

Forest of Bones

The Forest of Bones is a blasted and burnt forest – nothing grows, nothing dies. Its always been there, but no living creature goes there. The entire area around it is steppe/desert – it wont support much population and the it as a natural buffer between the Orrish and lands of civilization. The Orrish are not adaptive enough to survive in its hot winds and ash – too much working against them. Their shamans cannot even eek out water by magic means – such efforts are countered by forces which – despite their corruption – still hate the Orrish. In such as place the druids and human shamans still can. It is a place elves shun, a dead soul tree lies at its center, corrupted.


[contentblock id=knowref1]If nothing is indicated, assume Common Knowledge.

Most Recent Stirrings

Early Years


Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic