Tonnesbridge Vanguard of Monaides

The Tonnesbridge Vanguard is a specialized force operating in the Riverdans of Dunstrand. They operate in close conjunction with local and ducal forces to gather intelligence and ensure the movement of information out of the Riverdans. They range over all the Riverdans, and the south and west of the duchy mostly.


D20 Advantages of the Vanguard


  • Background: Soldier
  • Alignment: Lawful [evil/neutral/good]
  • Ideal: (Oath to) Nation/Land/Lord – My city, nation, or lord and their peoples are all that matters. I will hold allegiance to no god, no demon, no spirit above my ladys and lords of Dunstrand.
  • Bond: I would lay down my life for the people I served with.

The Tonnesbridge Breastplate: This is a fitted breastplate, emblazoned with the head of [what appears to be a smiling] lioness. All the honors bestowed upon the wearer are stenciled, tapped or filigree by the smiths of Tonnesbridge Villa – where the rosters contain the rank and honors of all members. It is VERY distinctive, and easily identified. In general, these have [greater] Resilience.


Broken Bond or Ideal: The character cannot gain Advantage on any actions as they are plagued by doubt and guilt.

All: Gain Proficiency: Breastplate; donning the fitted breastplate only takes 1 minute (as if it were Light Armor)

Fighter Class: Any use of Second Wind gains a bonus equal to the character’s Proficiency Bonus while wearing their breastplate. Second Wind can be used as a Reaction while wearing their breastplate.

Rogue Class: Allows for Rogues to take the Assassin archetype without being evil. Wearing a Breastplate (specifically their fitted one), increases the maximum Dexterity modifier by 1.

Incarna Core Advantages of the Vanguard

The Mission

  1. To serve the lady of Monaides.
  2. To aid in the defense of the Riverdans when any lady or lord calls.
  3. To Provide assistance to the Ducal powers of Dunstrand; As messengers, escorts, and in defense of the land and family.

Activities: To accomplish their missions, they have a few way points that they keep well fed mounts at. These are used to run messages, packages, escort rangers, knights and functionaries. They all have a breastplate that is a symbol of their valor and service. They wear no medals – instead engraving awards and honors into the breast plate. Mostly they are quiet, and move from one place to another in silence. Belim’s skill set was espionage, security and scouting with the Queen’s Dragoons. These skills he passed on as part of the core teachings of the members of the Vanguard.

Becoming One of the Vanguard

Applicants for the Vanguard are taken from only inside the Duchy. Members of this force serve for years as logistics and light field skirmishers in local lords, and on the frontiers as assistants to the ducal guards. They are used as skirmishers wherever a band of Orrish are tracked as well.

Traditions: The corps are offered Hruba and Feyloise as languages they can learn and become literate in. Each graduating soldier is literate in at least one language. All training commands and routine keywords are learned in these languages as well. The traditional greetings of the members is “Blood is the river we all sail upon.” It is unknown what this phrase is in reference to, but it is spoken in both languages in addition to Gladnorian.


The Vanguard was formed by the adventurer Belim Hardiven in CY 9144. He and his companions had just completed a multi-year quest to catalog and detail the fates of the most ancient families of the Riverdans of Dunstrand. During this time, they had become patriots of the River Lords and Riverfolk.

Tonnesbridge is the site of a battle in the Riverdan of Monaides of a dried up stream bed and a collapsed stone bridge that once spanned it. Pursued by enemies, Belim and his companions made a stand at this place – the only place that they could put their backs to for miles. They succeeded in killing their attackers and caused a mudslide that exposed an ancient troll cave on one bank. In it was a great deal of copper coins – a ton of copper. The site was named Tonnesbridge and a small villa was constructed. It was eventually where Belim chose to retire, and he founded the Tonnesbridge Vanguard. Their home is the Tonnesbridge Villa. It has a stables of some 20 horses, and a large hall and smithy. Outside of the stone villa walls is small set of farmhouses, a tavern, and boarding house.

Rumors and Legends

There has been repeated claims that the Vanguard members are one of the only means that the lords of the Riverdans interface with House Malor of Dunstrand – never in their short history has Va nguard members betrayed the trust of the Riverdans. Until that day, they are trusted to work with House Maloroutside the Riverdans.

Lioness Head: It is said that this device combines the Lion symbol of Rastur, from the famous priest Porthias, and the matriarchal reference to the Riverdans and Belim’s service in the Queens Dragoons.

It is said that there is a group of members that are part of the League of the White Lily and direct some of the group’s actions to directly benefit its causes.