Elmtown Gap

Steel Realms

The Elmtown Gap is the gap between the hills and edge of the Whitebark Forest where the Old Athla Trade Route comes through.

Elmtown Bridge

The bridge would have been where the brews were transported to to go down the Nanford when it ran through the area. It is in ruins and barely passable – travelers be warned, no carts or wagons!


Elmtown, now ruins since it was deserted with the coming of the Grimm effect, was once a thriving town on the main trade route. It was once known for the large Athla Brewery that sent brews far and wide in southern Dunstrand and down the Nanford before it changed course – once of the notable places in the Riverdans and a big employer.

Athla Brewing - Lich Killer Imperial Porter

Athla Brewing – Lich Killer Imperial Porter

Athla Brewing - Berylian Pale Ale

Athla Brewing – Berylian Pale Ale

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic