East River County of Dunstrand (East River Run)

Steel Realms

Part of the “Twin River Confederacy”, as it is known now, the combined alliance of East River Run and WEst River Run. ‘Twin’ has double meaning – the two named river counties, between 2 rivers – Beyne on the north and Nanford in the south. It is often used as an insult – in that many believe alliance with the Merchant Cities is what holds the Duke back from altering the economic situation in Dunstrand – particularly the Riverdans… who despise the confederacy’s authority.

Businesses and representatives of the Bank of the Silver Stacks are allowed in some places here.

Ruler: Count Griswald; family Griswald.


[contentblock id=knowref1]If nothing is indicated, assume Common Knowledge.

Most Recent Stirrings

Early Years


Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic