Notable Ruins (of The Saelish)

Steel Realms

The “notable” ruins are all ruins of fortified keeps and castles. The area was whipped into a frenzy by unknown forces, with Nurth and Orrish overrunning the southern area around Birch Cut. The castles/keeps were made with assistance by the Dwarves of Redlaen.

  1. Minystra (“Duskhaven Castle”) – no one goes near here; haunted.
  2. Mcosterain Keep
  3. Castle Audbrey (still inhabited, but mostly in ruins)
  4. Mcinveress Keep
  5. Mccollec Castle

    A dangerous place of crumbling stone. Sacked by the Umbakians, it is a symbol of the failure of the local spirit. Defeated in battle, it held for only 3 days behind its walls before the young and foolish Breyndayn Mccollec surrendered – believing his people would be spared. They were. The down was knocked down to the last pebble and caslte looted and burnt.

  6. Mccurhn Keep
  7. Raed River Keep
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic