The Torrelson Riders

Steel Realms

The history of this band goes back a hundred years. The 4 best, chosen from ranks of town guards, fill this role. They are the equivalent of sheriff deputies. Bounty hunters, secure message runners, can commandeer militia for combat, handle road closures, and make arrests. Rarely seen off their horses, they are known to sometimes sleep on them. They are supposed to be equal, but the senior member always has the deciding say. They are given the title Sira Deputy Sheriff.

Training: rudiment literacy, speak rudimentary Mercat too

Equipment: Good horses, 2 crossbows, long sword

Other Duties

Because they are close to both the townsfolk and have an ear in the goings on at the barons keep of Cerstwhile.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic