Yarans Vale

Steel Realms
Yarans Vale was originally settled by Umbak. At one time, Umbak had a foothold in the barony, and the center of their culture locally was Yarans Vale. There was a large clash of armies, and the Umbakains were driven out, and eventually the great families driven out of all their steadings – including those in bordering Loamwald territory and the Pranin Moorswood on the other side of the river. Many of their retainers and countrymen stayed on the lands though, trading one lord for another. It is a place of lonely feelings, where the wind blows over the ruins of Umbakian villages and the town of Helmandal – once the seat of Umbakian power. It is said that the soil of the vale is blood soaked and cursed – the soldiers of Umbak and Dunstrand Vale forever locked in mortal combat. Strange lights are seen in the vale – folks whisper that these are the souls of the soldiers. Yarans Round was once considered the southern part of the vale, but is now settled and a sub plot of Torrelsons Ford and directly under the protection of the baronial family.

Common Knowledge

Known For:

  • It was once a fiefdom of Umbakian settlements, by multiple families.
  • It’s been haunted for as long as anyone can remember.
  • Over the ages, adventurers have delved into it, no one has ever come back with a “big haul”.

Lesser Known/Rumors

  • Rumors say that a few aesthetics make their home on the edges of the vale to live a minimal life (T)
  • It has been known to be a sometime haven for brigands – some have even evaded the pursuit of the law by going in. Sometimes a brigand’s body is found in the river, eyes open, skin and hair white with a rictus of terror on its face.
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic