The Crying Maidens of Aerna (Transgression Manifest)

Steel Realms

When a follower of one of the Lightbringers has transgressed, and as a direct result of their actions, allowed a sacred place to be corrupted, a large number of followers to be killed, or failed in a holy quest. An apparition of a woman in white will follow them, one that only they can see (Spiritus type presence), weeping incessantly. Not only must they atone, but the especially hideous nature of their betrayal means each night they will be restless, never gaining more than a couple hours of peace, until the Great Mother Aerna has determined that their penance has been served. Some afflicted have been known to scourge themselves, become ravaged drunkards in their pursuit of sleep, renounce material life for that of an aesthetic, join the White Sisters, throw themselves into hard labor projects for the faith, and even go mad if they cannot escape it.

Manifesting on Site: Whenever the transgression/betrayal occurred, a figure will manifest, visible only barely in the sun’s zenith. This figure can be seen by anyone then, and can be heard faintly at any time as if it had a female human’s voice. It sobs quietly, and if asked the source of sorrow, it will quietly tell the tale of the act which caused it. “I weep for the soul’s betrayal. I weep until the soul is salvaged or departed for other realms. Go, and tell all to ask Mother Aerna for mercy for [character name]” This is humiliating and reputation killing for any person of note.

Relentless Pursuit: The apparition has a movement equal to the character it haunts, and can go through solid objects as if they were not there. The crying gets louder to the person they haunt, the closer they get – though it is always heard. It stands within 3m of the character when it can.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic