Ur-Druuzd (The Stone Walkers of the Winter Host)

Steel Realms

The ancient Ur-Ducateon Rhenclave was never discovered until after the north had fallen to the Lich Lords. Above it, the great mountain fortress of Druuzd had been built. After conquering this last refuge marking the north border of Dundaria, they sensed something. It led to them uncovering the 27 crystalized Ur-Ducateon – though they were not recognized as such – the Lich-Kings possessed little in the way of true occult or cosmic knowledge. The shadow of Soul Reaver was cast over the stone and this pried them forth from their eternal slumber. Confused, cold, and faced with undead entities, the newly awakened primordials immediately attacked. In their confusion most were brought down – Whisper once was Stone Breaker and became Whisper after tearing up his throat in a great rumbling shout that cracked stone for miles and stunned them and weakened their attachment to The Pattern such that they were attacked by Blood Eye and turned to their cause and state, or killed as the case was for most. Those that turned became the 8 Ur-Druuzd.

The Eight Stone Walkers

Cryptic, powerful, and able to sense every death of a Ducateon or Dwarf on Helca, these creatures serve the Lich Lords as a terrorist force. Capable of leaving the fallen north, they gather small armies of corpses and terrorize every few years, whatever lands they choose – usually into the Darklands. They are unfathomable, even to their nominal “masters”. The Lich Lords can command them, but they can do little to integrate them into the Winter Host. It is impossible to tell any of the 8 apart, they all look exactly alike, pale, sunken eyed, wiry grey long hair. They sound exactly alike as well, though they seem to be able to differentiate among themselves without a problem.

It is unknown if any of the 8 are truly liches, but they are neither eaters of flesh (Ghouls) or drinkers of blood (Vampires). There is not one record of any of them “feasting” on anything – they seem to require no sustenance and never become feral. When they are cut, they do not bleed.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic