Gloomfader (cult of Gloombringer)

Steel Realms

Also known as “The Retreating Darkness”. The cult is a small sect that seems to set itself against the church of darkness, though they are divinely inspired by Gloombringer and empowered by her. As she works in ways in which her brothers find confusing, strange, and sometimes directly at odds, these are her agents in the light. Where they can be found and recruited, Darklings are raised in secret by the cult. They are sent to the edges of civilization to ‘apprentice’ to their ways and move on after 3 months – doing this several times. The Orrish of Dwindor are also known to venerate this aspect of the goddess. The Salamander Guild is known to pay some homage to this aspect, for it seems like its machinations do nothing more than prevent the destruction of a larger balance or stability in play.

Motto: When shadows dance, and the dark is embraced by the light, all possibilities flicker around the edges – the aura of the goddess.

Dark gives way to light, but light must embrace the shroud of the long cold twilight.
Amidst the deep dark void of the night sky, the Ethereum is filled with the motes of light and in such an infinite field good and evil, light and dark are unfathomable.
The mistress of the dying light must first have light before it can be swallowed by the gloom.

Incarna d20™ Gloomfader Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

d20 [specific] Requirements: Occult Aptitude 1 OR 3 [Occult] Allotted Essence.

iCore Gloomfader Details/Mechanics

About/Chronicle of Gloomfader

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability. If nothing is indicated, assume Common Knowledge.

Obscure Knowledge / Near-Impossible Difficulty

Note: Secret Knowledge is information not available in any known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden Knowledge.

Order of the Broken Sun

The Order of the Broken Sun is a front for the cult in the lands of light. It is run by darklings of the Darklands.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic