Records of the Ducateon

Steel Realms

The Ducateon of the Steel Realms are the most meticulous record keepers of any race on Helca. The Records of the Ducateon user copper scrolls and stone tablets and have a master hall of records and probably several backups.

A Brief History of the Ducateon Peoples


Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability. If nothing is indicated, assume Common Knowledge.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

Most Recent History

Little has been observed in the last thousand years.

Commonly Understood Origins

The origins are shrouded in mystery. Many clam they were here before the Celestine Epoch

Commonly Understood Development

The Ducateon have a strange relationship with other species, even other Dumastorians. They developed on Helca, at times warring with their brethren, and at times banding together.

  • Key Places: Deep in the earth, Out Holts
  • Key Entities: The Collective
  • Key Concepts:

The Resurgence of the Clan: The Ducateon emerge from the casting of the dark veil in an organized and militaristic fashion. They have returned to the clan divisions, and militarized all of the castes in order for their entire people to go to war against the Orrish. They actively work with the other races.

Founding of Rockholm:

Curse of Rockholm: When the east fell, the headwaters of the falls – the heart of Rockholm – became the scene of centuries of constant bloody battles between the Orrish and Ducateon, with a small contingent of Dwarven allies. The Ducateon rarely call upon Him for anything selfish, so it was with great surprise that a massive ceremonial ritual was enacted, to clear the way under the earth for the Ducateon of Rockholm to capture and secure the source of the Ducateon wealth and power. The ritual was somehow corrupted, violently turning the power back upon the land. The Greyfoam Sea drained, with the water flowing up the side of the sea basin and to the sea.

The Second Diaspora:

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

Coming of the Blood of Saemon:

The Long Dark: When the Lords of Darkness bring down the veil, the Ducateon vanish into the earth.

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

Dawn of the Celestials: Almost 20,000 years ago, first contact is made between the Celestine Host and the Ducateon peoples.

Obscure Knowledge / Near-Impossible Difficulty

Note: Secret Knowledge is information not available in any known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden Knowledge.

Finding of Sayvalod: Ducateon records go far into the past, at a time before any human civilizations arose, to the continent to the west – Sayvalod. It is here that the Ducateon begin their histories.

Plague of Banished Souls: The first problem in the usually smooth running Ducateon Caste system was a preponderance of Outkast. Before this ever growing population could assault any Holt, the Ducateon collective ruled that they should all die. After the brutal, violent and swift murder of the lot of them, their spirits refused to rest. Sayvalod became a continent of ghosts.

Tween wars: Warring Clans

Spirits of 100 Paths: The ghosts of Sayvalod confuse the entire underearth systems created by their living brethren.

Ashcloud: A massive volcano erupts, driving the Ducateon deep into the earth.

Great Rush: After the volcanic activity had subsided, there was a rush to make new settlements.

Wars of the Claimants: The Collective was divided, each member had its own following and warred amongst each other.

Time of Fallowness: The god of the Ducateon punished his followers in their break from The Collective. Many were struck down and the birthrate plunged.

Exodus of souls: Feeling as if they had lost their way, the Ducateon Collective decided that the continent must be abandoned, and there was a diaspora and opening of the way east, across the sea.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic