Desert Giants (The Clearvor)

Steel Realms

The desert giants are a hybrid of the Colossi of Intellect/Stone and Passion/Fire. It is said that the mystical Elemental Jinn somehow made this happen. Unlike most hybrids of the clans, they were able to breed somehow.

It is known that The Clearvor (Desert Giants) built the Southgate Span bridge over the Chasmlands at Southgate Garrison.

Origins and History of The Clearvor

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

Desert giants, originally called Clearvor, were once elite warriors of the Synedcian Empire. They have beautiful singing voices and are known to sing in an operatic manner. Their song would create a wave on the desert sands that they would do art with.

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

Tall as stone giants, deep voices (even females), dark hued tanned skin, pure muscle, terrifyingly good trackers and masters of warfare, they commanded the forts of the east of Synedcia fighting the Orrish – stopping them (and the Curtain of Night) dead in their tracks. When Petra (Synedcia’s first Empress/Queen) got old, they gathered around her and sang their dirge – though it sounded like a celebratory hymn to most. They left, and the next morning, she had vanished. It is said by her children she became one with the earth, her spirit wore the flesh of a mortal, but now she was home – where her children come from. They left the court to their mortal relations and became defenders of the frontiers – seemingly immortal. After the fall of the south, they helped to craft the massive bridge of Petra’s Sun-Fixated Span of Glorious Marvel, after which they vanished. It is said they merged themselves with the spanning portal to the south – a last faithful act to ensure its legacy is accessible. It is their strength that keeps the span from collapsing – it should not be able to keep its own weight without support.

Scarce Knowledge / Hard Difficulty

Petra (Synedcia’s first Empress/Queen) did ascend to a higher order through the power of the dirge sung by the clan.

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

The Elemental Jinn acted upon knowledge given to them by the Celestine of Helca to allow these creatures to breed true and escape their source clans. Their patron was killed in the Celestine Struggles and they fled the Nakhreah. Later, the Celestines were motivated to provide support to try and stabilize the south, and so coaxed them out of the stasis they had gone into, buried under the earth.

Obscure Knowledge / Near-Impossible Difficulty is not available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden Knowledge.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic